The Home Study Process

The Home Study process is a universal requirement for Adoption. Different states may have slightly different requirements, but every state will have some type of home study requirement. In Arizona adoptive applicant's certification is signed by a Judge of the Juvenile Court. A rather lengthy report is submitted to the court for approval. This report is typically any where between 12-15 pages in length and covers topics such has (family background, health history (physical and mental), employment, financial status, current living situation, type of child desired, background checks etc.). As part of the…Read more
Adoption Profile Photo Tips

Adoption Profile Photo Tips

In the world of real-estate you hear the phrase "LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION". Because when your talking real-estate location is of upmost importance. In the adoption world when your talking profiles it's your Adoption Profile PICTURES that grab attention and tell your story. Be very selective about the profile photos you use, especially for your main profile picture. It's best to use a professionally photographed picture that has great lighting, is properly cropped, and is in focus. I know those may seem like no-brainer tips, but you'd be surprised how many adoption profiles don't…Read more

Letter to an Expectant Mother

A Guide on How to Write a Letter to an Expectant Mother for Adoptive Couples It is so excited to finally get to the point of writing the letter to the expectant parent. Exciting but daunting! So many adoptive applicants find this letter difficult to write. Here's some tips:     BE YOURSELF Most birth mothers choose a family that she has things in common with. It can be the most random thing that attracts her to your family. For one it was because the profile picture was a bit on the goofy…Read more
Adoption is a Miracle

Adoption is a Miracle

Adoption is that little miracle that happens when courageous love and hopeful hearts collide. It happens when a new family is formed. When answers to each other's prayers are finally heard. It's something that many don't understand, but is profound. It's because of the deep LOVE for a child. It lets the world know that humanity is alive. That sacrifices are made for the one. That LOVE conquers doubt, fear and selfish desires. Adoption is a Miracle. Erectile dysfunction is one of the most widespread facet overnight cialis effects are flushing in the…Read more

Hopeful Hearts

Longing for something that you thought would just naturally fall into place is a difficult place to be in. It's the realization that life is not taking the path that you had always dreamed of. This can be crushing news when it relates to something as big as how to GROW your family. Adoptive Families have to come to terms with not having full control of how and when they can GROW their family. They put their trust in a process that if often unfamiliar to them and without a definite timeline. They…Read more


February is the month we celebrate LOVE! Working in the adoption world has taught me so SO much about love. Until recently I worked for LDSFS where their tag line reads "Its About Love". There could not be a more accurate description. Adoption is about LOVE! I've looked into the eyes of LOVE as I watched a new mother memorizing the delicate features of her baby. The baby that has her nose and eyes. The baby that she has carried for nine month despite the fact that she never thought this would happen…Read more